Omics and Quantitative Molecular Biology

The Omics/Quantitative Molecular Biology Core offers a number of services for investigators with funded NEI R01s and those planning on submitting an R01 to NEI. The core facilitates the quantification of proteins, RNA and DNA. This core also offers access and consultation to technologies designed to characterize and quantify changes in gene expression. The core is located at the MSC and adjacent to the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center which offers sequencing and various proteomics services.


Primer Design

Investigators unfamiliar with PCR primer design can consult with the QMB CORE to obtain the primers best suited for PCR needs, including specialized primers for nested PCRs and primer design with restriction sites for sub-cloning. Primer design strategies to amplify homologous sequences from species where there may not be a published target sequence are utilized. Design criteria are now established to utilize MIQE guidelines.

Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR)

RT-qPCR is performed using the Quant Flex Studio 7 (QS7) RT PCR machines using Taqman SYBR Green I (as the primary dye) on 96-well standard, 96-well fast, 384-well standard, and 384 well microfluidic card platforms (microfluidic cards are designed by the user and custom synthesized by Applied Biosystems/ThermoFisher).  Data generated from each run is exported into an Excel Spreadsheet

New QMB Equipment

Zeiss PALM Microbeam Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) system laser microdissection and analysis for DNA, RNA and protein isolation from live cells and slides.  This instrument enables the precise isolation of cells for micro-genomic, -transcriptomic and -proteomic analyses.

Luminex MAGPIX multiplex analyzer performs up to 50 different tests for a single sample volume.  Kits are available for immunology, immune response, metabolism/endocrinology, toxicity, for various species.

Agilent SeaHorse HS Mini Analyzer measures and reports energy metabolism and vital indicators of mitochondrial health, toxicity, and overall cellular function.

Please contact the Instrumentation Manager, Hongyu Noel to set up an an appointment to use the LCM or  the Magpix. Please note that these instruments are to be used with the assistance of the Instrumentation Manager.

Subsidies for Service/Equipment Use for NEI R01 PIs and those who are submitting NEI R01 grants

Funding for fee based services or equipment on campus is available to NEI R01 investigators and PIs applying for NEI R01 grants.  Funding for fee based services or equipment use will be determined each year and will be based on the number of qualified users and the level of use. Once the allocated amount is exceeded, the PI will have to provide their own funding. PIs requesting these funds should contact the Vision Core Director to determine the level of funding that may be available. Note, these subsidies are to be used for data needed for  the PIs funded R01 project.

For questions regarding Omics and Quantitative Molecular Biology services, please contact:

Omics QMB Core Director

Akihiro Ikeda, PhD
5322 Genetics Building
425 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-262-5477

Omics QMB Core Assistant Director

Raunak Sinha, PhD
5551 WIMR
1111 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: 608-263-6265

Hongyu Noel, Core Instrument Manager
561A Bardeen
1300 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-262-8055