

  • Even though we do not have COVID restrictions, please be mindful of disinfecting equipment.  The virus is still circulating.
  • Materials (Disinfecting wipes or 70% ethanol) to disinfect the equipment/computers are available in each room.  Please spray ethanol on a towel and wipe off items vs. spraying the ethanol directly on the equipment.
  • Here is a good article on properly sanitizing a microscope, that can be applied to other equipment.

Usage, Rates, and Contact Staff

Andor Revolution XD Confocal Spinning Disk microscope:

  • $30 per hour
  • Instrument to be used only with assistance from the Core Instrument Manager
  • All users receive instruction on the Imaris analysis software use for processing image data.

Zeiss PALM Microbeam Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) system

  • $30 per hour
  • Instrument to be used only with assistance from the Instrument Manager
  • All users receive training on how to prepare and obtain samples

Luminex MAGPIX multiplex analyzer (for cytokine/chemokine detection and RNA expression)

  • $100 per run, $50 per second run if using the same kit.  User is responsible for providing their own kit.
  • Instrument to be used only with assistance from the Instrument Manager

X-Clarity II Tissue Clearing Processor

  • $100 per run

SeaHorse HS Mini Analyzer

  • $100 per run

Please contact Inna Larsen with your funding string to process these charges.

The Andor Spinning Disk Confocal, Zeiss Laser Capture Microdissection Scope and the Magpix Analyzer are to be used only with the Instrument Manager present.  Please contact:

Hongyu Noel, Core Instrument Manager
561A Med Sci
1300 University Ave.
Tel: 608-262-8055

For training/assistance using X-Clarity Tissue Clearing Processor and Zeiss microscopes, please contact:

Mark Filla
1760 West Wedge, WIMR
1111 Highland Ave.
Tel: 608-262-7576


Core users who have filled out a Vision Core Services Request Form have access to the following equipment:

Medical Sciences Center (Bardeen, SMI, Medical Sciences and Medical Sciences Center Complex) – 1300 University Avenue

Reserve time on the Zeiss Scopes or Imaris and Zen analysis workstations (trained users only) : FOM calendar and tracking software (please contact Inna Larsen for account setup).   Other equipment (MSC Licor and ERG) have Outlook reservation calendars.  Please contact Inna Larsen to add your email to the calendars. All Zeiss microscope users MUST be trained by Mark Filla before working on their own.

Clinical Sciences Center (600 Highland Ave)  and WIMR  (1111 Highland Ave.)

  • WIMR Optical Imaging Core located on Floor 2 of the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research, offers imaging services on three microscopes systems, (1) a Leica SP8 3X STED Super-resolution microscope, (2) Nikon A1RS confocal microscope, and (3) Leica DMi8 inverted fluorescent microscope. In addition to training and usage on these systems, we offer many companion imaging and prep services. Powerful computing equipment is also available for advanced image processing and analysis.
  • Heidelberg Spectralis HRA + OCT provides multi-modality imaging of the eye using a spectral-domain OCT integrated with confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Multi-modality imaging offers insights into structure, function and metabolic activity of the retina. The Spectralis provides point-to-point correlation between fundus and OCT scans, producing an unmatched overall perspective of the retina and optic nerve head.
  • LiCor Odyssey CLx uses near-infrared fluorescence to provide sensitivity equal or better than chemiluminescence giving you low background, high signal-to-noise, multiplexed detection, and the sensitivity of any fluorescent system. The Odyssey CLx System can be used for many applications, including Western blot analysis, EMSA, protein arrays, In-Cell Western™ Assays, On Cell Western Assays, Nucleic acid gel documentation, in vivo imaging, Coomassie gel documentation, RNAi analysis, and tissue section analysis.
  • Zeiss OMPI Lumera Operating Microscope and image capture system for ocular surgical procedures in animals
  • Zeiss Axioimager Z2 with apotome: upright microscope for brightfield and epifluorescence microscopy
  • Zeiss Axiovert inverted microscope for brightfield and epifluorescence microscopy. Has a live cell imaging chamber.
  • Logos Biosystems X-Clarity II Tissue Clearing Processor – Embeds tissues in a hydrogel matrix and extracts lipids to create a transparent tissue-hydrogel hybrid that can be labeled with antibodies and imaged.
  • Fundus camera, Electrophysiology equipment for mfERG, ffERG, PERG, PVEP, slit lamps, organ culture system